Scholarships are a great financial option for students who qualify. The monetary value of any scholarship received will be included in determining the student’s financial need for other financial aid.

AmeriCorps — By becoming a volunteer with AmeriCorps, you will receive an education award of up to the amount determined by the awarding agency. This program provides full-time educational awards in return for work in community service. For more information, go to

McDonalds — Financial assistance offered by the local McDonalds. Contact the local McDonalds Office or the ASCC Student Services Office for application details.

American Samoa Department of Education (ASDOE) - ASDOE Teacher Education. Contact the ASDOE Office for application information.

American Samoa Government Scholarship - Contact the ASDOE Office for application information.
Other Known Scholarships — Congressional Award, Florence Saulo & Associates Scholarship, Bill Gates Millennium Scholarship, and Business & Professional Women Scholarship.
Institutional Scholarships
Presidential Merit Scholarship — Available to full-time students who meet the requirements for this merit-based financial assistance. Contact the Dean of Student Services for details.
Miss ASCC Scholarship — See the Dean of Student Services for details.
ASCC Alumni
Student Government Association — Saili le Atamai Scholarship.