ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Makaiwi-Pato (2nd left) and ASCC administrators welcome representatives from the DOE Scholarship Office, who visited the College last week to speak on the new ASG student loan program to support students who plan to study Trades. (Left to right) Ms. Moira Maiava, DOE Scholarship Office; Dr. Makaiwi-Pato; Mrs. Ane Tofili-Matagi, DOE Scholarship Office; Mrs. Letupu Moananu, ASCC Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs; and Dr. Emilia Le’i, ASCC Dean of Student Services. (Photo: J. Kneubuhl)
ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Makaiwi-Pato (3rd left) and ASCC administrators, staff and students welcome representatives from the DOE Scholarship Office Ms. Moira Maiava (2nd right) and Mrs. Ane Tofili-Matagi (2nd right), who visited the College last week to speak on the new ASG student loan program to support students who plan to study Trades. (Photo: J. Kneubuhl)
ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Makaiwi-Pato (2nd left) and ASCC administrators welcome representatives from the DOE Scholarship Office, who visited the College last week to speak on the new ASG student loan program to support students who plan to study Trades. (Left to right) Ms. Moira Maiava, DOE Scholarship Office; Dr. Makaiwi-Pato; Mrs. Ane Tofili-Matagi, DOE Scholarship Office; Mrs. Letupu Moananu, ASCC Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs; and Dr. Emilia Le’i, ASCC Dean of Student Services. (Photo: J. Kneubuhl)
ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Makaiwi-Pato (3rd left) and ASCC administrators, staff and students welcome representatives from the DOE Scholarship Office Ms. Moira Maiava (2nd right) and Mrs. Ane Tofili-Matagi (2nd right), who visited the College last week to speak on the new ASG student loan program to support students who plan to study Trades. (Photo: J. Kneubuhl)
New ASG Scholarships Announced for ASCC Trades Students
December 03, 2018
By James Kneubuhl, ASCC Press Officer
Representatives from the Department of Education Scholarship Office visited the American Samoa Community College (ASCC) last week to speak to students, faculty and administrators about the revival of the American Samoa Government (ASG) student loan program, and that program’s new emphasis on supporting students who wish to enter Trades professions. Loans from ASG will now be available to support students who wish to go into one of the many fields that fall within the realm of Trades.
Mrs. Ane Tofili-Matagi of the Scholarship Office, with assistance from Ms. Moira Maiava, explained that until recently ASG has provided only scholarships for student applicants seeking to further their college education, but given the shortage of qualified Trades men and women in American Samoa, the decision has been made to make loans available for students pursuing careers in professions including Computer Technician, Electrician, Automotive Mechanic, Plumber, Welder, Architect, Civil Engineer, Carpenter, and many more.
Tofili-Matagi explained that students accepted into the Trades & Technical Program at ASCC may now apply for financial assistance loans of $2000 per semester for up to one year of study, although additional assistance may be available in cases where a Trades program requires a longer period of instruction. For those accepted into Trades programs at off-island colleges, universities or specialty schools, the amount available per semester is $5000 for up to two years. To qualify, students must demonstrate a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or better, provide proof they are US citizens or nationals, and also have a co-singer for the loan who meets specified requirements.
Following her descriptions of the loans and the related requirements, Tofili-Matagi opened the floor to questions from students. She also asked for a show of hands to determine how many students in the audience were already involved in Trades studies. As it turned out, almost none of those present were currently pursuing that academic path, but the questions that followed gave a clear indication that many of the students had an interest in finding out more about the many fields that fall under the aegis of Trades.
ASCC President Dr. Rosevonne Makaiwi-Pato, herself a member of the DOE Scholarship Board, also spoke to the audience about opportunities for Trades-related careers in American Samoa. “As it stands, the Territory needs to bring in very many workers with advanced Trades skills to perform jobs no one else here has the skills or qualifications for,” she reminded the audience. “We sometimes make the mistake of only thinking of the Trades as jobs where you get your hands dirty, but where would we be without the individuals who can do this kind of work? At the same time, in today’s world, many of the Trades are now more technology-based than ever before, with the computer field being one obvious example.” Dr. Makaiwi-Pato encouraged any students who see themselves as a potential Trades professional to find out more about fields that may be of interest.
Information on courses offered by the ASCC Trades & Technical Department can be found in the ASCC Catalog, available for viewing online at Applications for the student loan for study at ASCC can be picked up in the office of the College’s Division of Student Services. Those with questions about the ASG loan program can contact Mrs. Tofili-Matagi or Ms. Maiava of the DOE Scholarship Office at 633-5237.