The application for enrollment can be found online. For specific instructions for enrolling at ASCC during the upcoming Spring Registration, please use the following links:

Registration - First Time Enrollment

Note: For first time enrollment. This may include Early Admissions (Seniors ONLY). Please check the Academic Calendar for dates.

STEP 1 - PERC (Person Restrictions) Check

  • Check student PERC (holds)
    • If Student has Library hold, student will be referred to library
    • If student has Business Office hold, refer to Business Office
    • If student has Admissions hold, refer to Admissions Office
  • Once clearance is received and PERC ended, then
  • Print out academic transcript for student and direct to payment window (in Finance Office)

STEP 2 - Business Office (Pay Registration Fee)

  • Double-check PERC - if student has any holds then direct accordingly.
  • If there are no holds, or holds have been cleared, student Pay Registration Fee
  • Receive Registration Fee Receipt and Transcript (this will be used to present at the next step)

STEP 3 - Advising

  • Go to TED1/TED2
  • See the next available advisor for advising

STEP 4 - Posting

  • All New Students schedule posting - RECORDS OFFICE

STEP 5 - Financial Aid Office

  • All Pell students are to be referred to the Financial Aid Office after posting in order for awards to be transmitted
  • Non-Pell students will be referred to Room 10 to post payment and pick up schedules

Note: Students that have not filled out FAFSA - refer to Labs 15/16.

STEP 6 - Room 10

  • Pay for courses or set up payment arrangements for courses
  • Pick up official class schedule

STEP 7 - ASCC Picture I.D.

  • Picture IDs will be in Room 9


Registration, Continuing/Returning Students

Note: For first time enrollment. This may include Early Admissions (Seniors ONLY). Please check the Academic Calendar for dates.

STEP 1 - Filter Students at the Entrance

  • IF a student has already priority registered for the 2017 Fall term, then according to the student's "need" will be directed to the following office(s):
    • ADD/DROP courses: Directed to Labs 15/16 for schedule adjustments
    • FINANCIAL AID: Directed to the assigned counselor @Financial Aid Office
    • PICK UP OFFICIAL SCHEDULE or to make payments: Direct to Room 10
    • IF a student has not priority registered for the 2016Spring term, then
  • Direct student to the next step (checking PERCs and payment of $50.00)
  • Student will be directed to the MIS Helpdesk Office for issuance of User Id for Online Registration.

NOTE: Students who pay their registration fee at Room 10 will be referred to the Computer Lab (Rm 15/16) for login to online registration.


  • IF AT ANY POINT, the student is uncomfortable with the online registration process, then the computer lab assistant may refer the student to the Lecture Hall for manual registration - ONLY WHEN NECESSARY; OTHERWISE, all students should be encouraged to register online. If this should happen, then the manual process/step applies.
    • Present reg. fee receipt to lab assistants/attendants
    • In Computer Lab: Register for classes
    • In Computer Lab: Print out unofficial Schedule
    • Go to the Admissions Office to receive transcript / registration form
    • Go to the Advisor (TED1/TED2) to receive advising
    • Go to the Lecture Hall to post classes

Note: Pell students - go to next step; Non-Pell - go to Step 4

STEP 3 - Financial Aid Office

  • For Pell students, see financial aid office

STEP 4 - Go to Room 10

  • Pay for courses or set up payment arrangements for courses
  • Pick up official class schedule

STEP 5 - ASCC Picture I.D.

  • Picture IDs will be in Room 9


Please refer to our Registration Policies for information on the following:

  • Student Academic Entry Policy - lists classes a student placed in developmental courses must complete prior to enrolling in college level courses.
  • Prerequisite Courses - important policy regarding prerequisite courses.
  • Student Credit Load - defines how many credits a student needs to enroll in to achieve full-time status.
  • Student Classification - defines Classified students, Unclassified students, Auditors, Freshmen, and Sophomores.
  • Student Status - defines Continuing, Inactive, New, Returning, New Transfer, and Unclassified students.
  • Auditing Courses - procedures and policies for auditing a course.
  • Preparatory Course Work - policy limiting enrollment for students who do not meet the placement test score requirements.

Please refer to our Course Policies page for information on the following:

  • Course Substitutions - policy on substituting one course for another.
  • Course Repetition - policy on repeating courses.
  • Textbook Policy - policy that requires the purchase of textbooks and other materials listed in the current course syllabus.
  • Textbook Information - where to get titles and ISBN numbers of required textbooks.
  • Course Classification Systems - The numbering system that classifies courses.
  • Academic Advising - The entire ASCC Faculty is committed to helping each student pursue a course of study to fulfill his/her Individual Educational Plan (I.E.P.) for the future.
  • Coursework Expiration - defines when credits towards a degree expire.

Please refer to our Changes In Registration page for information on the following:

  • Adds and Drops - policy on adding and dropping classes after registration.
  • Administrative Drop - a drop from a class not initiated by the student.

Please refer to our Withdrawals page for information on the following:

  • Class Withdrawal - how to withdraw from a class after the drop period is over.
  • Complete Withdrawal from ASCC - policy on leaving ASCC.
  • Unofficial Withdrawal - policy on withdrawals from classes where the student has failed to complete one of the above processes.

Please refer to our Veterans Access Fees and Tuition Policy for further information regarding veterans and their dependents.