- On all changes of registration forms, the appropriate signatures are required. Approval from the Dean of Academic Affairs is required as a substitute for an advisor’s or an instructor’s signature. Invalid signatures will be reported to the Dean of Student Services for disciplinary action and a grade of “F” will be recorded.
- Add and Drop
- Adding or dropping a course is official only after the student has completed and submitted an Add/Drop Form to the Registrar's Office, and has paid the required fee(s) to the Finance Office.
- In order to add/drop a course, a student must pick up the form from the Registrar's Office. See Tuition and Fees section on charges. Classes dropped during the Add/Drop Period are not reflected in the student’s transcript or permanent record.
- Following the Add/Drop Period is the Drop Only Period. Students may only drop classes at this time. The same $5.00 fee applies.
- At the end of the priority registration period for continuing students there is a scheduled Early Add and Drop Period. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the add/drop, drop only and early add/drop deadlines for each semester or term. Refer to the ASCC Refund Policy on the Tuition and Fees page also for the percentage of refundable tuition.
- Add and Drop
- An administrative drop is a drop from a class that is not initiated by the student and is not reflected in the student’s transcript or permanent record. An administrative drop is initiated for one of the following conditions:
- Students with excessive absences during the first two weeks of instruction
- Initiated by the Records Office in consultation with and approval of the instructor
- If a student fails to follow attendance, pre-requisite, or textbook policies the instructor MAY initiate an administrative drop. Please note that the Administrative Drop Policy does not allow for tuition refunds.