- Student Academic Entry Policy
- Students placed in developmental courses must complete all developmental English and Math prior to enrolling in college level courses (Refer to CAPP Policy for more information):
- ENG 70
- ENG 71
- ENG 80
- ENG 81
- ENG 90
- ENG 91
- MAT 80
- MAT 90
- Students placed in college level English and Math will follow General Education requirements:
- ENG 150
- ENG 151
- MAT 151 or higher
- Prerequisite Courses
- Prerequisites are required courses to be taken before entry into more advanced courses (see course descriptions). For example, most courses numbered 150 and above require the completion of ENG 90 as a prerequisite. Course prerequisites are specifically identified in the course description section of the catalog. For many classes, a grade of “C” or better is required. Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisors regarding course prerequisites and proper course sequencing in the student’s selected fields of study.
- If a student enrolls in a class and does not meet the course prerequisite, they will be administratively dropped from the class. Refer to Administrative Drop on the Changes in Registration page. Please note that the Administrative Drop Policy does not allow for tuition refunds.
- Student Credit Load
- Semester Enrollment Status
- A Full-Time Student is classified as enrolled in 12 or more credits
- A Three-Quarter Time Student is classified as enrolled in 9-11 credits
- A Half-Time Student is classified as enrolled in 6-8 credits
- A Less Than Half-Time Student is classified as enrolled in 0-5 credits
- A student who wishes to enroll in seventeen (17) and no more than twenty-one (21) credits must have a CGPA of 3.50 or higher, completed ENG 150, ENG 151, and MAT 151 and the approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs.
- Summer Session Enrollment Status
- A Full-time student is classified as enrolled in six (6) or more credits
- A student who wishes to enroll in eight (8) and no more than twelve (12) total credits in the Summer term must have a GPA of 3.50 or higher, completed ENG 150, ENG 151, and MAT 151 and the approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs.
- Student Classification
- Classified students follow a declared, organized program of study leading to a degree and are subject to regulations and requirements of the program of study.
- Unclassified students are non-degree-seeking students and are not candidates for a degree, although registered for credit.
- Auditors are qualified students who are permitted to attend classes with the written permission of the instructor. Auditors receive no credit and may participate in class discussions only with prior permission of instructors.
- Freshmen are those who have completed less than 30 semester credits.
- Sophomores are those who have completed 30 or more semester credits.
- Student Status
- Continuing - A student who is seeking a degree or certificate, and has been enrolled in classes during the previous semester.
- Inactive - A former student that is not currently enrolled at ASCC.
- New - A new, degree-seeking student who has never been enrolled at ASCC and has completed the admissions process.
- Returning - A student defined as a former degree-seeking student who has not been enrolled for one or more semesters. Returning students are required to update their admissions file before registration. They must follow the same admissions and registration guidelines as new students.
- New transfer student- A degree-seeking student who has previously attended another institution and intends to complete his/her degree program at ASCC. A transfer student must complete the admission process, and is considered a new student for registration purposes.
- Unclassified student- A non-degree-seeking student who wishes to take undergraduate courses at ASCC.
- Auditing Courses
- Auditors must complete all admission and registration requirements and procedures, including payment of tuition and fees. Students are permitted to audit classes with the written approval of the instructor. Students who audit a course may attend classes, take part in class discussion and activities, and take quizzes/ or examinations on a voluntary basis. An “AU” grade will be entered on the transcript with no credit given. Audited courses cannot be changed to a credit course without the approval of the instructor. Schedule changes to audit a course or to receive credit for a course cannot be made after the first six weeks of instruction. (Refer to Academic Calendar)
- Preparatory Course Work
- Students who do not meet the placement test score requirements for freshman level courses will be limited to enrollment in developmental courses until their academic proficiency in Math and English is raised to an acceptable level. Students failing to enroll in the required developmental courses as assigned will be denied enrollment in regular ASCC college level courses. Students that fail to follow the proper course prerequisites will be subject to the Administrative Drop Policy. Refer to the section on Administrative Drop in the Changes in Registration page for more information. For more information on Prerequisites Courses, see the section above.