- Course Substitutions
- A student is expected to satisfy all ASCC degree requirements (such as General Education, Core Foundational, Co-Foundational, and Program Requirements) that were in effect when the student first scheduled a class after his/her admission or most recent re-enrollment as a degree candidate. Requirements for a program are those in effect at the time of the student’s admission or most recent re-enrollment into that program.
- A course substitution form is available from the Admissions and Record’s office.
- Guidelines for Considering Course Substitution Requests:
- The course to be substituted should be similar in outcome, scope, and content with all courses except GEN ED courses.
- All degree/ program requirements needed for a certificate or degree may not be substituted unless approved by the Department Chairperson and the Dean of Academic Affairs..
- A limit of two courses may be substituted for non-General Education courses during your enrollment at ASCC.
- Course Repetition
- Students may only repeat course(s) with an earned grade of “C-“, “D”, “F”, or “W/F” (Nursing courses may be repeated with an earned grade of “C”) twice. All grades will be retained on record after all attempts made to repeat a course. The highest earned grade will be used to compute semester and cumulative grade point averages.
- Textbook Policy
- Students are required to purchase textbooks, workbooks, and other instructional materials designed for course(s) they are enrolled in. Textbook costs vary from course to course. Every student must have the required materials identified in the current syllabus of the course(s) in which they are officially enrolled in by the end of the first week of instruction. Students’ failure to provide their instructors proof of this requirement will result in an immediate recommendation by the instructor to drop the course(s). If the student does not drop the course or purchase the required materials, then the instructor may initiate an administrative drop. Please refer to the section on Administrative Drop under Changes in Registration for more details.
- Textbook Information
- Section 133 of the HEA requires ASCC to disclose textbook information such as course schedules, textbook titles, ISBN numbers, and prices. A list of course textbooks is available online.
- Course Classification Systems
- Courses numbered below 100 are developmental or preparatory in nature, and are not counted toward a degree program of study. Students are advised to check with their advisors about these degree programs. The following numbering system is used to classify course.
- Academic Advising
- The entire ASCC Faculty is committed to helping each student pursue a course of study to fulfill his/her Individual Educational Plan (I.E.P.) for the future. Academic advisers bring to their responsibilities as educators not only knowledge of academic disciplines, but also an understanding of the rationale that underlies the curricula of ASCC. Students are strongly encouraged to seek assistance early in their college careers.
- Academic advising includes:
- Assisting students in clarifying, articulating, and attaining academic and life goals;
- Facilitating each student’s academic adjustment to the campus;
- Educating students to assess academic progress and to develop educational plans;
- Explaining and clarifying college core courses, graduation requirements, and academic policies and procedures;
- Advising students on issues as they relate to academic progress, which may include referral to appropriate College programs and community agencies;
- Serving as advocates and mediators for students.
- Coursework Expiration
- The normal duration of time to complete coursework for an approved degree or certificate program of study is ten years. Students may be asked to repeat courses taken more than ten years before graduation, due to the change and currency of subject matter specific to a program of study. Evaluation and approval of coursework will be conducted by each academic department and signed by the Department Chairperson.
001-099 | Developmental/Preparatory Courses |
100-199 | Freshman Level Courses |
200-299 | Sophomore Level Courses |
300-499 | Bachelor's Level Courses |