The Associate of Science degree in Marine Science provides students with a strong platform in basic physical and life sciences with a focus in marine science from which they can confidently pursue higher education in the sciences or enter the job market. Students gain a broad understanding of the physical and biological forces driving the world’s oceans and an appreciation of the importance of marine ecosystems to the world’s environment, climate and daily human life.

Advising Sheets

Note: Advising sheets subject to change. Seek Assistance from your Academic Advisor prior to registration.

Degree Requirements

1st Year General Education

Class Description Credits
CLP 150A College and Life PLanning 1
ENG 150 Introduction to Literature 3
ENG 151 Freshman Composition 3
MSC 150/150L Introduction to Oceanography 4
PED 170 Swimming 1
MAT 151 Intermediate Algebra
OR 3
MAT 155 Vocational Technical Mathematics
ICT 150 Introduction to Computers 3
SPH 153 Introduction to Speech 3
BIO 180/180L Biology I 4
PSY 150 Introduction to Psychology 3
HIS 150 American History I 3
HIS 170 World Civilization I
OR 3
MSC 160 Natural Marine Resources
Total: 32

2nd Year General Education

Class Description Credits
MSC 170/170L Introduction to Marine Biology 4
MAT 250 College Algebra and Trigonometry
OR 4-5
MAT 280 Calculus I
HIS 162 Pacific History 3
ENG 251 Sophomore Composition 3
Total: 14-15

Program Requirements

Class Description Credits
MSC 280 Marine Science Special Projects 2
CHM 150/150L Chemistry I/Lab 4
BIO 181/181L Biology II/Lab
CHM 151/151L Chemistry II/Lab
PHY 151/151L Physics I/Lab
PHSCI 150/150L Physical Science/Lab 8-10
MSC 100 MOP Seminar
MSC 200 Introduction to Aquaculture
MSC 201 MOP Skill Project
MSC 202 General Pharmacology
MSC 220 Introduction to Fisheries
CET 160 Introduction to Geographic Information System
Total Credits: 14-16

Total Credits

Class Credits
1 st Year General Education Requirements 34
2 nd Year General Education Requirements 14-15
Program Requirements 14-16
Total Credits: 62-65