The program for the Associate of Arts Degree with an emphasis in Visual Arts prepares students for a career in art or to transfer to a four year college or university.

Advising Sheets

Note: Advising sheets subject to change. Seek Assistance from your Academic Advisor prior to registration.

Degree Requirements

1st Year General Education

Class Description Credits
CLP 150A College and Life planning 1
ENG 150 Introduction to Literature 3
ENG 151 Freshman Composition 3
ART 150 Art History I 3
MAT 150 Survey of Mathematics
MAT 151 Intermediate Algebra
MAT 155 Vocational Technical Mathematics
MAT 250 College Algebra and Trigonometry 3-5
MAT 260 Introduction to Statistics
MAT 280 Calculus I
ICT 150 Introduction to Computers
OR 3
ICT 170 Micrcomputer Apllications
SPH 153 Introduction to Speech
OR 3
DRA 170 Oral Interpretation of Literature
PSY 150 Introduction to Psychology
HEA 150 Introduction to Health Science
SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology 3
REL 150 World Religion
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
HIS 150 American History I
OR 3
HIS 170 World Civilization
HIS 162 Pacific History 3
CHM 150/150L Chemistry I/Lab
PHY 151/151L Physics I/Lab 4
PHSCI 150/150L Physical Science/Lab
Total Credits: 32-34

Program Requirements

Class Description Credits
ART 161 Indigenous Art Forms 3
ART 171 Drawing II 3
ART 151 Art History II
ART 165 Basic Photography
ART 172 Drawing II 3
ART 180 Ceramic Sculptures
ART 299 Advanced Art Studies and Project
Total Credits: 12

2 nd Year General Education

Class Description Credits
BIO 150/150L Introduction to Biological Science
BIO 181/181L Biology II
OR 4
BIO 250/250L Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 255/255L Microbiology
MAT 250 College Algebra and Trigonometry
OR 4
MAT 280 Calculus I
ANT 150 Introduction to Anthropology
ANT 153 Introduction to Archeology
ANT 154 Cultural Anthropology
GEO 160 Introduction to Geography
PAD 150 Introduction to Public Administration 3
POL 150 Introduction to American Government
POL 160 Introduction to Politics
POL 170 Introduction to Public Policy
PSY 250 Human Development
SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology
ART 160 Design Fundamentals
ART 170 Drawing I 3
DRA 151 Drama Workshop
ENG 251 Sophomore Composition 3
HIS 151 American History II
OR 3
HIS 171 World Civilization II
PED Any Physical Education Course 1
SAM 101A Conversational Samoan 1
SAM 101B Conversational Samoan 2
SAM 111 Introduction to Samoan Language 3
SAM 151/151L Freshman Samoan/Lab
Total Credits: 30-32

Total Credits

Class Credits
1 st Year General Education 32-34
2 nd Year General Education 24-26
Program Requirements: 12 credits
Total Credits: 68-72