The Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts provides a solid, wide range education that can be used as a foundation for a bachelor’s degree program. Courses required for the Liberal Arts degree cover many areas of study in Arts, English, Health and Fitness, History, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, Social and Behavioral Science, Samoan and the Pacific, and Technology.

Advising Sheets

Note: Advising sheets subject to change. Seek Assistance from your Academic Advisor prior to registration.

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Arts: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the visual, and performing arts (music, art, drama).
  2. Computer Science: Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities to utilize technological tools and procedures for personal, academic, and career tasks for entry level employment.
  3. English:
    1. Demonstrate active listening and speaking abilities;
    2. Demonstrate proficiencies in clear and effective written communication;
    3. Demonstrate improvement in reading skills focused on comprehending analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating printed texts.
  4. Humanities: Enrich and expand knowledge of the human conditions and cultures in relation to behavior, ideas, and thoughts through the study in the disciplines of literature, philosophy and the arts.
  5. History:
    1. Demonstrate an understanding of historical events from the context of American or Global history
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of the regional and Global historical patterns, such as the development of peoples social, political, and economic institutions
  6. Mathematics: Demonstrate critical thinking and logical reasoning while developing problem solving skills in the various branches of Mathematics.
  7. Physical Education & Health: Demonstrate a basic understanding of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Samoan and the Pacific Studies: Demonstrate critical thinking and the understanding of cultural diversity in the Samoa and Pacific regions.
  9. Science: Demonstrate foundational competencies in physical and life science through lectures and laboratory activities.
  10. Social Science: Demonstrate an understanding of historical processes, cultural developments, and interrelationships, reflected in social, economic, and political progress.
  11. Develop career goals and plans, and apply lifelong learning skills for personal and professional growth.
Degree Requirements

The Associate of Arts (AA) Degree provides development and understanding in the content and methodology of the major genres of study, awareness of the traditional cultural aspects of Samoa and the Pacific region, and preparation for students continuing their studies at a four-year college or university.

A minimum of sixty credits is required for an Associate of Arts Degree. The general education requirements for all Associate of Arts Degree programs are comprised of the following courses, numbered 150 or higher:

1st Semester

ENG 150 Introduction to Literature 3
ENG 151 Freshman Composition 3
Total Credits: 6
Critical Thinking: (A total of three (3) to five (5) credits from the following Mathematical courses)
MAT 150 Survey of Mathematics
MAT 151 Intermedia Algebra
MAT 155 Vocational Technical Mathematics 3-5
MAT 250 Trigonometry
MAT 260 Introduction to Statistics
MAT 280 Calculus I
Total Credits: 3-5
Information communication Literacy
ICT 150 Introduction to Computers
OR 3
ICT 170 Microcomputer Applications
Total Credits: 3
Personal Development & Responsibility (PDR):(Required 1 credit course (CLP 150A)
CLP 150A College and Life Planning 1
Total Credits: 1
Personal Development & Responsibility (PDR): (In addition, atotal of three (3) to six (6) credits from the following courses to meet the required credits for PDR.) Note: Selection is based on Career Development Option.
ABR 100 Introduction to Autobody Repair 3
ACR 100 Introduction to Air Conditioning & Refrigeration 3
ADT 150 Architectural Drafting I 3
AGE 150 Agricultural Economics 3
AGR 152 Survey of Community & Natural Resources 3
ANT 153 Introduction to Archaeology 3
ART 160 Design Fundamentals 3
ART 161 Indigenous Art Forms 3
ART 165 Basic Photography 3
ART 170 Drawing I 3
ASL 150 American Sign Language 4
AUTO 100 Fundamentals of Automotives 3
BUS 103 Introduction to Business 3
CARP 100 Hand and Power Tools 3
CET 150 Plane Surveying I 4
CJ 150 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
CS 155 Introduction to Programming 3
DRA 151 Drama Workshop 3
ED 150 Introduction to Teaching 3
HEA 140 Introduction to Health Occupations 3
HSV 150 Introduction to Human Service 3
HSV 160 Psychological and Achievement Testing 3
ICT 161 Networking for Home and Small Business 4
MUS 150 Music Fundamentals 3
MUS 170 Concert Choir (1 * 3) 1
MUS 180 Band (1 * 3) 1
MUS 181 Samoan String Band Ensemble 3
MUS 187 Beginning Orchestra 3
MSC 150 Oceanography 4
NUR 100 Nurse Aide Training 6
PAD 150 Introduction to Public Administration 3
POL 150 Introduction to American Government 3
POL 151 Introduction to American Samoa Government 3
POL 160 Introduction to Politics 3
SAM 152 Introduction to Samoan Culture 3
WLD 100 Welding Fundamentals and Metallurgy 3
Total Credits: 3-6
Total Credits for 1st Semester: 16-21

2nd Semester

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Critical Thinking: (A total of four (4) credits from the Physical Science cluster in the 2nd semester) Note: If a Physical science is taken 2nd semester then a life science course is required for 3rd semester or vice versa
Physical science Clusters
CHM 150/150L Chemistry/Lab
PHY 151/151L Physics I/Lab 4
PHSCI 150/150L Physical Science/Lab
Life Science Clusters
BIO 150/150L Introduction to Biological Science/Lab
BIO 155/155L Ecology/Lab
OR 4
BIO 180/180L Biology I/Lab
MSC 170/170L Introduction to Marine Biology/Lab
Total Credits: 4
Communications: (A total of three (3) credits from the following courses)
SPH 153 Introduction to Speech
DRA 170 Oral Interpretation of Literature
MUS 170 Concert Choir (1 * 3) 3
MUS 180 Band (1 * 3)
(Specific to Academic Degree Program)
BUS 160 Business Communications
OR 3
SAM 262 Samoan Oratory
Total Credits: 3
Personal Development & REsponsibility:(A total of three (3) credits from the following courses)
PSY 150 Introduction to Psychology
HEA 150 Introduction to Health Science
SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology 3
REL 150 World Religion
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philosophy
Total Credits: 3
Global Awareness & Cultural Competence: (A total of six (6) credits from the following courses)
HIS 150 American History I
OR 3
HIS 170 World Civilization I
HIS 162 Pacific History 3
Total Credits: 6
Total Credits for 4th Semester: 16

Total Credits

1st Year General Education (1st & 2nd Semesters) 32-37
2nd Year General Education (3rd & 4th Semesters) 30-32
Total Credits: 62-69

3rd Semester

Critical Thinking: (A total of four (4) credits from the Physical Science cluster or Life Science cluster in the 3rd Semester.)
Physical science Clusters
CHM 150/150L Chemistry/Lab
PHY 151/151L Physics I/Lab 4
PHSCI 150/150L Physical Science/Lab
Life Science Clusters
BIO 150/150L Introduction to Biological Science/Lab
BIO 155/155L Ecology/Lab
OR 4
BIO 180/180L Biology I/Lab
MSC 170/170L Introduction to Marine Biology/Lab
Total Credits: 4
Mathematics: (A total of four (4) to five (5) credits from the following Math courses)
MAT 250 College Algebra and Trigonometry
MAT 280 Calculus I 4-5
MAT 281 Caluculus II
Total Credits: 4-5
Social Science: (A total of three (3) to six (6) credits from the following Social Science clusters)
Cultrual courses
ANT 150 Introduction to Anthropology
OR 3
ANT 153 Introduction to Archaeology 3
ANT 154 Cultural Anthropology
ANT 210 Archaeological Field School 6
GEO 160 Introduction to Georgraphy 3
Political courses
PAD 150 Introduction to Public Administration
POL 150 Introduction to American Samoa Government
POL 160 Introduction to Politics
POL 170 Introduction to Public Policy 3
POL 220 Pacific Current Affairs
POL 250 Comparative Politics
POL 251 International Relations
Social and Behavioral Courses
PSY 250 Human Development
OR 3
SOC 211 Social Issues
Total Credits for 2nd Semester: 3-6
Arts: A total of three (3) credits from the following Arts Courses.)
ART 150 Art History Survey I
ART 151 Art History Survey II
ART 171 Drawing I
ART 172 Painting I
ART 180 Ceramic Sculptures
DRA 150 Introduction to Drama
OR 3
DRA 151 Drama Workshop
MUS 160 Music Literature
MUS 165 Music of the World
MUS 170 Concert Choir (1 * 3)
MUS 180 Band (1 * 3)
Total Credits: 3
Total Credits for 3rd Semester: 14-15

4th Semester

History: (A total of three (3) credits from the following History courses.)
HIS 151 American History II
OR 3
HIS 171 World Civilizations
Total Credits: 3
ENG 251 Sophomore Composition 3
Total Credits: 3
Physical Education:
PED 150M Men's Basketball
PED 150W Women's Basketball
PED 151 Weight Training
PED 152 Beginning Aerobics
PED 153M Men's Beginning Taekwondo 1
PED 153W Women's Beginning Taekwondo
PED 154 Golf
PED 155 Volleyball
PED 156 Introduction to Tennis
PED 170 Swimming
Total Credits: 1
Samoan & the Pacific Studies:(A total of three (3) to four (4) credits from the following Samoan and Pacific student courses.)
Cluster 1: Samoan and the Pacific History and Geography
HIS 160 Samoan History I
HIS 161 Samoan History II
SAM 152 Introduction to Samoan Culture
GEO 150 Introduction to Samoan Georaphy
GEO 161 Pacific Geography
SAM 101A Conversational Samoan 1
OR 3
SAM 101B Conversational Samoan 2
SAM 111 Introduction to Samoan Language
SAM 151 Freshman Samoan
SAM 151L Freshman Samoan Laboratory
SAM 154 Introduction to Samoan Literature
Total Credits: 3-4
Humanities: A total of three (3) credits from the following Humanitaries Courses.)
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philiosophy
REL 150 World Religion
ENG 250 Survey of Literature
OR 3
ENG 270 World Literature
ENG 272 American Literature
ENG 274 Pacific Literature
Total Credits: 3
Elective Credits: Select any course with alpha numbering at 150 or above with the exception of:
PHIL 150 Introduction to Philiosophy
REL 150 World Religion
ENG 250 Survey of Literature
OR 3
ENG 270 World Literature
ENG 272 American Literature
ENG 274 Pacific Literature
Total Credits: 3