The program provides courses to students who areinterested in pursuing a career in the field of HumanServices. Students are oriented into the Human Servicefields, which address community, social, political, andeconomic issues. An overview of theoretical and historical perspectives of Human Services provides a basis for the application of fundamental helping skills and a broad understanding of local and national services and programs.

Advising Sheets

Note: Advising sheets subject to change. Seek Assistance from your Academic Advisor prior to registration.

Degree Requirements

1 st General Education Requirements

Class Description Credits
CLP 150A College and Life Planning 1
ENG 150 Introduction to Literature 3
ENG 151 Freshman Composition 3
HSV 150 Introduction to Human Services 3
MAT 151 Intermediate Algebra 3
BIO 150/150L Introduction to biological Science 4
Select one 3 credit course from the following options for a total of three (3) credits
HIS 150 American History I
or 3
HIS 170 World Civilization
HIS 162 Pacific History 3
PSY 150 Introduction to Psychology 3
ICT 150 Introduction to Computers
SPH 153 Introduction to Speech 3
Total Credits: 32

Program Requirements

Class Description Credits
Select 8-9 credits from the following clusters
Cluster 1: General Services
HSV 160 Psychological and Achievement Testing
OR 3/td>
HSV 165 Career Development and Information System 3
Cluster 2: Counseling Services
HSV 155 Introduction to Counseling and Guidance
Cluster 1: General Services
HSV 299 Human Services Practicum/Work Experience
Cluster 2: Counseling Services
HSV 200 General Counseling I
HSV 220 Multicultural Guidance and Counseling 5-6
HSV 250 Survey of Substance Abuse Problems
Total Credits: 8-9

2 nd General Education Requirements

Class Description Credits
BIO 180/180L Biology I 4
MAT 260 Introduction to Statistics 3
PSY 250 Human Development 3
PHIL 150 Intorduction to Philosophy
or 3
REL 150 World Religions
ENG 251 Sophomore Composition 3
HIS 151 American History I
or 3
HIS 171 World Civilization II
PED Any Physical Education Course 1
SAM 101A Conversational Samoan I
SAM 101B Conversational Samoan II
SAM 111 Introduction to Samoan Language 3
SAM 151/151L Freshman Samoan/Lab
SAM 154 Introduction to Samoan Literature
Total Credits: 23-24

Total Credits

Class Credits
1 st Year General Education Requirements: 32
2 nd Year General Education Requirements: 23-24
Program Requirements: 8-9
Total Credits: 63-65