ASL 150 American Sign Language I (4)

This course will introduce the student to the expressive and receptive exposure and practices in American Sign Language (ASL), the preferred communication mode used by the American Deaf Community & Culture. The course will also address the cultural values and beliefs of this unique community. (Note: 4 Lecture Credits)

HEA 140 Introduction to Health Occupations (3)

This course will provide the beginning student who is interested in health occupations with the basic entry-level knowledge and skills required for a variety of health careers. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HEA 150 Introduction to Health Science (3)

This course will provide knowledge about general health and health care services available to the individual. By presenting core concepts regarding scientifically based, accurate, up-to-date information to students about topics and issues concerning nutrition, weight control, contraception, exercise, intimate relationships, stress, AIDS, drugs, alcohol, and a multitude of other health issues. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HEA 151 Medical Terminology (3)

Prerequisite: HEA 150

Medical terminology introduces the student to a special vocabulary used by health-care professionals. This course will assist the student to learn certain methods that will enable them to remember familiar words and understand new ones. These methods involve breaking each word into component parts, learning the meaning of these parts, and recognizing them when they appear in different words. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HEA 152 Standard First Aid and CPR (1)

This course will provide the student with basic life support skills needed for adults and children during life threatening emergency situations. The student will participate and adequately demonstrate these emergency life support skills design to increase their knowledge and needed in order to receive an American Red Cross certificate in CPR and Basic First Aid. (Note: 1 Lecture Credits)

HEA 250 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities (3)

Prerequisite: HEA 150 or HSV 150

This course will introduce students to historical attitudes, laws, and current definitions of developmental disability, recommended practices for care-givers, supporting families, and information about specific disabilities, including autism, cerebral palsy, spinal bifida, and others. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HEA 299 Health Science Practicum/Work Experience (2)

This course is a practicum/work experience with LBJ hospital in the areas of medical support services (e.g. laboratory, respiratory, physical therapy, x-ray technician, etc.); where the student will be placed according to their career interest. There will be supervised work, training, and shared experiences with weekly seminar discussion sessions. This course must be taken during the last semester of the Health Science Program. (Note: 2 Lab Credits)

HSV 150 Introduction to Human Services (3)

This course will provide the student with a general introduction to the field of human services and is designed for introductory college courses in human services, social work, community mental health, and other related program. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HSV 155 Introduction to Counseling and Guidance (3)

This course provides an overview of the guidance and counseling profession through a presentation of the history and background of the basic theories of counseling and the foundation of counseling and guidance programs from traditional to current times. The course includes the role and function of the counselor in the schools, community and agency settings and various techniques, issues and trends of the counseling profession. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HSV 160 Psychological and Achievement Testing (3)

This course is designed to acquaint students with the theory, ethics, practices, implementation and interpretation of psychological and achievement tests. The focus of the course is on the ways in which tests are constructed and standardized, validated and interpreted. A review of typical tests of ability, aptitude, achievement, personality and interests are included. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HSV 165 Career Development and Information Systems (3)

This course provides a survey and analysis of career development throughout the lifespan, a review of current legislation in relation to the workforce, career programs and research methodology. Students are given the opportunities to explore career assessments and information services and resources available on-line and on-island. The focus is on building the awareness of skills necessary to facilitate career assessment and assistance in career decision-making and job seeking activities. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HSV 200 General Counseling I (3)

Prerequisite: HSV 155, PSY 150

This course is designed to expand the understanding and counseling skills by examining guidance principles, concepts, values, and their application. Also, the course will be addressing the major impact cultural beliefs and values have on effectively helping others. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HSV 220 Multicultural Guidance and Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: HSV 155, PSY 150

This course provides the student with an understanding of the philosophical and theoretical approaches to multicultural counseling and multicultural interactions. The course content includes an awareness of multicultural issues, an understanding of multicultural education and skills to accommodate the needs of diverse populations. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HSV 250 Survey of Substance Abuse Problems (3)

This course is designed to increase people’s understanding of substance use and abuse. The course includes historical and social perceptions of substances use, patterns and trends of use, societal and legal responses to drug and alcohol, description of psychoactive drugs in terms of effects and actions, new ways of considering the etiology, methods of prevention, intervention, and treatment. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

HSV 299 Human Services Practicum/Work Experience (2)

This course is a practicum/work experience with human services agencies in the areas of counseling, social work and human relations; where the student will be placed according to their career interest. There will be supervised work, training, and shared experiences with weekly seminar discussion sessions. This course must be taken during the last semester of the Human Services Program. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

PH 100 Community Health Education (3)

This course enables students to develop an ideological base for non-formal education practice in health care settings and among the community. It discusses the motivation of learning in adults and various principles of teaching arising from community analysis. Students will be introduced to a wide range of teaching methods suitable for use in non-formal education which would help them develop appropriate interpersonal skills. Family and behavioral health topics will be used to develop training programs to support community health. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

PH 101 Dental Health (2)

This course develops an understanding of dental disease and the simple measures that can be implemented by health workers to prevent most dental problems. Designed for both Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Health Assistants (HA). (Note: 2 Lecture Credits)

PH 102 Essential Public Health Functions and Primary Health Care (3)

In this introductory course, students will first define Public Health before exploring the different concepts of Health. They will learn different concepts to include: Measuring Population Health, Understanding the Public Health System, Laws and the Government in relation to Public Health, Latest Practices of Public Health, Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response; understanding the Workforce, the Administration, the Environmental and Occupational Health and its role in Public Health, PH Nursing, Epidemiology and Disease Control, PH Education and Information and Future Challenges in Public Health Practices. This course also enhances students’ perception on the fundamental role of PHC in improving the health of people in the Pacific communities and in reducing health inequalities between different groups. Emphasis is given in understanding the basics of the Department of Public Health’s role in preventative care. This course places emphasis on learning each subdivision’s role in the overall Department of Health efforts to improve a Country’s or Territory’s well-being and health. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

PH 103 Introduction to Informational Systems for Health Managers (3)

This course underscores the methodological importance of accurate, relevant, timely and complete data for effective and evidence-based decision making by Health Managers. A wide range of data sets, from traditional morbidity/mortality data through those on services utilization and resource monitoring, are presented and analyzed. Elements of data display are introduced. Epidemiology provides the basis for surveillance, planning and generation of health information systems which are important component of health care. The course will discuss the epidemiological concepts of health and measures of health, and introduces screening, epidemics evaluation and study designs. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)

PH 160 Introduction to Public Health (3)

This is a public health inquiry course which centers on health promotion and disease prevention. Emphasis is placed on personal, community, and population health, and its interdisciplinary connections to other health care fields. Biomedical research ethics, critical thinking and analysis of public health problems that may affect the health and well-being of the individual and community will be introduced and discussed. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits)